Hi Dalila,
Something in the ad spoke to me, which made me explore the site as well. How does a married, full time employee find time to find bliss?
Greetings …,
Thank you for your interest in Divine Tantric Wellness.
My “short” response to the question presented: Note, I feel your question relates more to time than “having permission” to experience bliss. Therefore…I personally believe one is always capable of living the life he/she desires for him/herself. I understand at times it may be challenging to make and take time to do that which may be in one’s best interest but having the desire and the vision drives one to making the declaration and commitment to making true desire and vision a reality. To have the desire and vision doesn’t require time typically. In this case a way is usually created for the experience to occur consciously. This may be when an invitation is extended and opportunity is presented (such as the Divine Tantric Wellness Program where you are guided to bliss) and the call is answered, decision made to go forth with practices that systematically and naturally causes the sense bliss to occur. During time one learns to incorporate it as part of his/her life style.A simple way to create more time is to remove undesired/unneeded distractions (in rare cases delegation may be required and the ability to say no to someone or something) from life and schedule “me time” (yes actually schedule it and keep it like you would a doctor appointment, car service or vacation, selfishly and unapologetically-think about the oxygen mask analogy). :-)Where some may find pause is when their life is being governed by “outside forces” such as society. Also, sometimes some may allow fear to govern their lives. In this case I highly recommend beginning with rebuilding/repairing the foundation of who one is. What the essence of one entails. KNOW thyself.
How might one do this?
1. Acknowledge societies projections, fear or other governing forces.
2. Have desire and make decision to positively change.
3. Meditate on his/her values
.4. Reflect on current state of life based on those values, ask yourself why you have these values, how were they developed and where did they come from???.
5. Slowly and strategically implement practices that are in line with values and desired life, hopefully with the support of support network/personal advocates.
If the desire is there, which for you I feel it is, as the ad “spoke to you”. The Divine Tantric Wellness Program can guide you to freedom of fears and liberation from the need to be governed by societal norms. After some time is initially committed to the practice it is expected that time for practice going forward would not be the biggest issue. The ball will begin to roll, build momentum and overcome friction.I expect this helps. Feel free to call to schedule a consultation and or book an appointment.
Warmly,Dalila :-)872-222-5477